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Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) performed by Registered Massage Therapist and Registered Craniosacral Therapist Kristin Jones.

BCST is a non-invasive light touch therapy that focuses on the Nervous System, which is key in maintaining communication and balance within the body. Gentle holds are used to facilitate the body’s wisdom to move through its natural healing processes.


Below is a short video on Craniosacral Therapy


Kristin Jones

Kristin is a Registered Massage Therapist who practices Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST). She graduated from Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy in 2012 and practised in various clinics, until recently transitioning her practice to specifically doing Craniosacral Therapy. She completed the 2 year Body Intelligence Training for BCST in 2017 and has been enamoured with the work ever since. She has a keen interest in treating parents and infants, and specifically enjoys treating post natal mothers in their recovery journey. She welcomes people of all walks of life and treats people from infants to elders.

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To learn more about Craniosacral Therapy click the link below

Craniosacral Therapy is gentle enough to treat infants from the newborn stage on wards. Care and open listening are key during treatments, and therefor sessions are always adapting to respect the voice of little ones. They are treated

in various positions including on the parent or guardian, on the massage table, or in the Therapists arms. During a treatment care and comfort are of upmost importance for both infant and care giver.



Craniosacral Therapy is often thought of as treating just the head, however, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a whole body therapy. A session often begins with the Therapist checking in at the feet to get a sense of how the body is in relationship with itself as a whole. Acute palpation skills are then used to allow space for the system to lead the Therapist to various parts of the body needing support. Gentle rhythms or movement are often felt by clients, and is a key piece in clients integrating more pain free ways of connecting to their bodies.


Craniosacral Therapy for Maternity clients is focused on creating space within the system, and encouraging expressions of fluidity and calmness. During a time where change is happening at a very fast pace, focus is given on slowing down and encouraging Moms system to integrate space for her and baby. This is done in a variety of positions and is always tailored to Moms comfort. An ample amount of pillows are always on hand throughout these sessions.

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